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Probability Unit Plan

Mutually Exclusive Events  

Achievement Indicators:

1.6 Solve a contextual problem that involves odds or probability.

2.1 Classify events as mutually exclusive or non–mutually exclusive, and explain the reasoning.
2.2 Determine if two events are complementary, and explain the reasoning.
2.3 Represent, using set notation or graphic organizers, mutually exclusive (including complementary) and non–mutually exclusive events.
2.4 Solve a contextual problem that involves the probability of mutually exclusive or non–mutually exclusive events.
2.5 Solve a contextual problem that involves the probability of complementary events.
2.6 Create and solve a problem that involves mutually exclusive or non–mutually exclusive events


Lesson Links:

  • Click here for ERLC Lesson Link. Please use this lesson as a framework for your own teaching environment
  • Click here for a pdf version of the same ERLC Lesson Link.



Mutually Exclusive Events -- (Youtube)