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On November 1, 2011 Elizabeth Coelho presented a day-long workshop about promoting inclusive educational practices in multicultural and multilingual classrooms. The workshop focussed on how to take advantage of student diversity, in order to both support English Language Learners and to benefit all learners through intercultural experiences. The workshop was recorded and edited into five segments which are provided in the links below. Each segment includes a video clip of Elizabeth Coelho's presentation, her accompanying power point, her supplementary hand-outs and a Learning Guide to facilitate discussion. Throughout her presentation Elizabeth Coelho made reference to various other helpful resources. Links to these are included in the document entitled "Research References."
About Elizabeth Coelho:
Elizabeth is renowned for providing practical advice based on current research and effective practice in second language teaching and multilingual education. She has published several professional resource books for teachers and classroom materials for students. She was the District Co-ordinator for ESL/ELD in the Toronto District School Board. Elizabeth was the Student Achievement Officer for the Ontario Ministry of Education where she provided leadership on addressing the needs of newcomer students. She frequently delivers keynote speeches, workshops, institutes and seminar presentations throughout the world.
Elizabeth Coelho's website:
Introduction to the Workshop
View this introduction to hear Elizabeth's story and learn what to anticipate in the following five sections.
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