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Welcome to High School Mathematics
Learning Community
Continued support for high school mathematics implementation is provided in this online learning space. You will find:
- engaging lessons and resources for Math 10C, 20-1, 20-2, 30-1, 30-2, and 30-3
- a focus on understanding and applying the Seven Mathematical Processes (as aligned with the Ministerial Order on Student Learning #001/2013)
- formative and summative assessment materials and strategies
- an opportunity to ask questions and contribute to mathematical discussions via the discussion forums
This learning opportunity is subsidized as a result of a grant from Alberta Education to support implementation of new mathematics curriculum.
For further information please email info@erlc.ca
The Seven Mathematical Processes
The Front Matter of Alberta's 10-12 Mathematics curriculum provides valuable information. Emphasis is placed on not only understanding curricular outcomes but also on the Seven Mathematical Processes. The links below focus on ideas on how to implement these seven processes in high school math.
For more information about the Seven Mathematical Processes take a look at Alberta Education's Fact Sheets and Video Series.
For more information on professional learning opportunities (including webinars, face to face events, video clips with learning guides, etc), please visit any of the 7 provincial consortia (images are linked to their websites).