Math 30-2 Staffroom -- A Safe Place to Share and Reflect

Suggestions for first timer?

Picture of Candace Ketsa
Re: Suggestions for first timer?
by Candace Ketsa - Monday, 14 January 2013, 10:46 AM

Having taught this course now once I have learned the following.

1.  The material is very clearly divided into two core groups.

 Group A.  polys, exponents, logs, sinusoidal, rationals

 Group B.  set theory, perms, combs and probability

It really does not matter which group you start with. Some teachers will debate either one.  I think that is up to the teacher.  If I was you, I would start with your strength.

In group A, personally I would keep Polynomial and Rationals together and you will have to do Exponentials before Logs for obvious reasons. 

In group B, you NEED to do them in that order. 

I hope this helps out.  I am interested to see what other teachers think.