About the Project



“A deeper understanding of Mathematical fluency enables us to envision what it means for our students to be mathematically proficient…”

Sue O’Connell and John SanGiovanni from Putting the Practices into Action


The Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia and other partners have been working to ensure K-6 education stakeholders have a shared understanding of the expectations of the mathematics program of studies.


Since the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year, a series of instructional and collaborative professional learning experiences have been offered through provincial webinars, regional opportunities, and a variety of technology mediated resources. These experiences are designed to enhance:  

  • Teacher understanding of mathematical content and conceptual relationships

  • Formative and summative assessment practice

  • Development of pedagogical fluency related to student learning

  • Teacher-parent communication


The aim of this series of instructional and collaborative professional learning experiences is to provide opportunities, ideas, and a venue for teachers to work collaboratively to enhance and further develop their Professional Capital (as described by Fullan and Hargreaves, cited in A Great School for All - ATA, 2012).

Guiding Questions for educators to consider

  • What do I want my students to learn? (based on the Alberta Program of Studies) 
  • How will I know, track, evaluate, and communicate how well they are learning it?
  • What activities, resources, and structures will I select to further student understanding?


Extending the EMPL Learning Opportunity

  • Resources were created to support follow-up learning opportunities where teachers may continue the conversation and have the opportunity for deeper and more personal reflection. Teachers will be invited to work collaboratively to develop instruction that:
    • addresses the desired content (skill and knowledge) outcomes, 
    • determines the degree of mastery and fluency that students should be able to show, 
    • chooses appropriate resources and design learning activities to help their students develop their mathematical skills, 
    • evaluates the success of those activities in promoting student growth.

Regional Opportunities

Check with your local consortium :



Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia


Not sure which consortia you belong to?  Click here to check the map!

Our Partners:

Alberta Education

Alberta Assessment Consortium


Mount Royal



University of Lethbridge

Last modified: Monday, 17 September 2018, 11:45 AM