Math 20-2 Staffroom -- A Safe Place to Share and Reflect

Interesting Warm Up

Picture of Colin Veldkamp
Interesting Warm Up
by Colin Veldkamp - Thursday, 10 April 2014, 2:34 PM

A powerpoint showing the origin of numbers in relation to number of angles was shared.  This powerpoint is interesting and could be used as an activity to launch into and explore many of the angle properties required in this unit.  Enjoy and thank you!

Picture of Stephanie Gower
Re: Interesting Warm Up
by Stephanie Gower - Tuesday, 24 June 2014, 3:36 PM

Except that it's an urban myth - which is fine as long as it's presented that way.


This might serve better as an example of something you can disprove using what you know about lines and angles.