ENGAGING RESOURCES - Exponential Functions

Exponential Functions - Engaging Resources


RF SO5,6 - Exponential Functions Concept Summary Sheet
(Download: Exponential Functions Concept Map.pdf)

This chart may help students see the big picture and the connections within the topic.

Exponential Functions Concept Map

7 Processes focus: Connections.  Visit the Connections Process page for more ideas on how to incorporate Connections in your teaching.


RF SO6 - Real World Connection - St. Matthew Island
(Link:  Stuart McMillen - St. Matthew Island)

Stuart McMillen presents an interesting comic on the reindeer of St. Matthew Island.  This comic may be used to make a connection between exponential functions and the real world.  Students could try to reproduce the graph shown in the comic using exponential regression and then interpolate or extrapolate as per interest.  Another idea would be to stop reading the comic before the population starts to decline and ask the students to predict what will happen and then finish the comic after their predictions.

Island    Island Graph

(An excerpt from the comic is shown above)

7 Processes focus:  Connections.  Visit the Connections Process page for more ideas on how to incorporate Connections in your teaching.


RF SO5 - Add Em Up: Group Practice solving Exponential Equations by Common Base
(Download: Add Em Up - Exponential Equations by Changing Base.doc)

This activity is explained in detail on Kate Nowak's blog.  Great review activity to get students practising, checking solutions and helping each other to make corrections.

Add Em Up Example

7 Processes focus:  Communication.  Visit the Communication Process page for more ideas on how to incorporate Communication in your teaching.


Last modified: Wednesday, 13 August 2014, 10:21 AM