Math 30-2 Staffroom -- A Safe Place to Share and Reflect

Welcome Teachers

Picture of Candace Ketsa
Welcome Teachers
by Candace Ketsa - Friday, 31 August 2012, 6:09 AM

Welcome back to an exciting new year with a new course.  I am looking forward to working with all of you and maybe meeting a few of you via online.

I usually post my lessons in a notebook format.  However, my notebook needs some technical care and wont be done till later next week. 

I have provided to you all the first lesson in pdf format for the time being.  I hope that some information is better than none. You can find this lesson in Lesson 1 Set Theory: Notebook and Lessons folder. 

If you are new to the moodle site.  These are used for you to adapt at your leisure. Please feel free to share the information as well. 

Also, I am hopeing that Notebook and PDF format is suitable.  PLEASE let me know if you need the information in a different format.  I will try my best to accomodate.

Also, I am hoping that this group of teachers are as good or better than the group that I worked with in Math 20-2.  The sharing and collaboration that took place was unbelievable. 

Have a great year and keep checking in for future updates.