Trigonometry - Engaging Resources

Sine Law Investigation

This investigation asks students to measure sides and angles and then calculate the ratios in the Sine Law.  
Students should notice that the angle side ratios are equal for the given triangle.  
The Geogebra applet on Glen Reesor's page may then be used to see that the Sine Law is also valid for all triangles.

Sine Law Investigation

Sine Law Geogebra Application (Glen Reesor)

7 Processes focus:  Reasoning.  Visit the Reasoning Process page for more ideas on how to incorporate Reasoning into your teaching.

Jig Saw Activity - Trigonometry Review

More information on Jig Saw activities as a teaching tool is available here

7 Processes focus:  Communication.  Visit the Communication Process page for more ideas on how to incorporate Communication into your teaching.

Last modified: Thursday, 3 July 2014, 8:13 AM