Logarithms Engaging Resources

R&F SO7: Log War
(Link: KateNowakBlog-LogWar)

Log War may work as a great formative assessment tool since you will quickly be able to identify students who don't understand logarithms since they will struggle to get started with this game.  Great communication between students may also occur as they assist each other in determining the value of the logarithmic expressions on the cards.

Kate Nowak Blog Log War

7 Processes focus:  Communication.  Visit the Communication Process page to explore more ways to incorporate Communication in your teaching.

R&F SO10:  Solving Exponential & Logarithmic Equations Strategy Chart
(Download:  E&LSolvingEqnsStrategyCharts.docx)

These charts may assist students in selecting the various strategies available to solve exponential and logarithmic functions.  
The flow chart highlights the strategy selection process and the table also provides some questions that may be used as examples.

Flow Chart    Table

Please note: The chart above says "Drop Logs" (not mathematical terminology), I typically explain this as equating the arguments (of the logs with common bases). This strategy is similar to equating exponents that have the same base.

7 Processes focus:  Connections.  Visit the Connections Process page to explore more ways to incorporate Connections in your teaching.

Last modified: Wednesday, 13 August 2014, 11:11 AM