International Language and Culture Programs of Study: Friend or Foe?

International Language and Culture Programs of Study: Friend or Foe?

with Melody Kostiuk

Are you new to a language and culture assignment? Are you looking for help to understand what and how to teach with your program of studies? If so, this session is for you! International Language and Culture Programs of Study prescribe what students are expected to know and be able to do at each grade level of language programming in Alberta schools. It is the primary reference for teachers as they plan for and assess the language proficiency of their students. This session was designed to deepen your understanding of the program of studies for your specific language and learn some easy ways to plan with outcomes.

Playback the webinar here.

Melody Kostiuk is currently a curriculum consultant for languages at the Institute for Innovation in
Second Language Education with Edmonton Public Schools.

Supporting Resources:

Presenter's slides

Session Handout

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Last modified: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 2:04 PM