Documents Providing Information for Math 20-1

brochure                           Math 20-1 Outline

Course Syllabus for Sept 2012


The course outline is in the form of a brochure that is folded into thirds. The brochure explains the philosophy, expectations, assessment and tentative dates for chapter exams. 

According to Alberta Education, Math 20-1 is designed for students who plan to apply for post secondary programs that may require calculus skills. It is evident that there may be students enrolled in the course who have achieved marks in the range 50% - 60% in Math 10C and may be at risk in this academic course. We decided to begin with Sequences and Series to provide students with an opportunity to refresh their algebra skills and allow time to become accustomed to the pace of instruction and develop study skills that may be necessary to achieve success.  For the second semester, the chapter weightings have been changed to more closely represent the amount of class time spent on the concepts. The tentative exam dates have also been updated. The course sequence worked very well with our students. Sequences and Series proved to be an excellent way to start the semester and provided a level of mathematics that the students were able to adjust to. Ending the semester with Ch 8 Systems and Ch 9 Inequalities provided a stress less finish to the course for students.

Making changes again!! We have decided to switch the order of chapters to aline Math 20-1 and Math 20-2 at the beginning of the course. This is to facilitate movement between classes. We have also eliminated the grading of the Midterm and will assign it as Formative Assessment.

Math 20-1 Formula Sheet

This is a copy of the formula sheet for students that our school district will be using for the second semester.

Program of Studies


Includes Achievement Indicators for each Specific Outcome.


Includes Acceptable Standards and Standards of Excellence for each Achievement Indicator.

Calculator Policy


Alberta Education Policy on Use of Calculator for 2013 Diploma Exams.

Parent Letter

New Parent Letter for Math 10C students.

In this letter parents and students are reminded of the reasons to be enrolled in this course. A few changes to the parent letter have been made for the second semester.

It is our intention for students to be successful in mathematics and select a course that is best suited for their career asperations as well as their mathematical ability. We have decided to send a letter for parents to assist students to select an appropriate 20 level math course.

Last modified: Tuesday, 29 July 2014, 10:31 AM